by Itchy Feet Digital | Jan 17, 2021 | DIY Video, On Camera
Visiting the dentist beats standing in front of a camera, right?. I should know. A couple of decades ago (cough cough) I started my career as an early morning TV news presenter. Whilst there weren’t many viewers watching those pre-dawn bulletins in the southwest...
by Itchy Feet Digital | Apr 17, 2020 | On Camera, Video Production Tips
From out of nowhere the way we all do business has been turned upside down. Shopfronts are shut, networking events on hold and face to face meetings are but a distant memory. And while business owners are physically removed from customers and clients, the...
by Itchy Feet Digital | Mar 26, 2019 | Highlight, On Camera
Wouldn’t you rather write your own obituary? Putting yourself on camera, talking about your business or industry, exposing your flabby bits and pimples -it’s damn scary. What if you stuff up? Maybe people won’t like you. Will it ruin your reputation?...