by Amy Bingham | Aug 4, 2023 | DIY Video, Uncategorized, Video Marketing, Video Production Tips
As tech gets more affordable, businesses get more digital savvy and the pressure on bottom lines cut ever harder, many more of our clients are exploring making their own video content. And rather surprisingly we’re totally supportive of their plans. After all, any...
by Amy Bingham | Nov 23, 2021 | Uncategorized
The Importance of Post Production in Videos Videos are an excellent means of promoting your business as they stand out more than a text or image based piece of content. A video with eye-catching vision and a polished audio mix can captivate an audience and...
by sommerstudio | Nov 23, 2021 | Uncategorized
And how do they help move the dial on your e commerce or retail business? If you’re in the market of selling stuff rather than services, you know you need to showcase your products on your website or social channels. Customers want to see what they look like and...
by Itchy Feet Digital | Jul 19, 2021 | Uncategorized
Lockdown sucks, there’s no getting around it. And we feel for everyone who’s business is being impacted by the latest Aussie outbreak. But you can use this time to get an advantage over your competitors by creating a series of videos to roll out over the coming...
by sommerstudio | Apr 19, 2021 | Uncategorized, Video Marketing, Video Production Tips
Many business are hooked on using video marketing as part of their overall digital marketing efforts. But often the SEO potential for that video is ignored or undervalued. If optimised correctly, video SEO (VSEO) can be an extremely powerful form of content and...
by sommerstudio | Mar 30, 2021 | Uncategorized
Company Profile Video Video can also be an effective way to introduce people to your business and your people. Whether it’s sharing interviews with key staff or a tongue-in check mockumentary about your industry, a brand video should make an impression. By...