Video marketing is one of the most powerful marketing tools you can use to build your business.
But you need to give your video the best chance at success. Start by avoiding these common mistakes.
Not having a plan
If your video starts with the creative, then you’re taking the wrong approach. Clearly define what the business purpose and outcome you want.
Is it about raising awareness, improving customer satisfaction, building referrals, or generating leads?
This is why it pays to have a video strategy to refer back to for any piece of content your make. If the video doesn’t match what’s in your marketing plan, go back to the drawing board.
Setting a goal enables you to define what action you want your audience to take after they’ve watched it. It also gives you a benchmark to measure the success of a campaign – your Google ranking, website traffic, social engagement or click through rates in emails.
Ignore your audience
Customers are over the hard sell and digital noise of marketers
When it comes to content, they want to know what’s in for them & how you can help fix their problems. They want and expect value. Failing to recognise this will mean a video that’s irrelevant and a waste of time and money.
Firstly figure out who your target audience are, then identify their pain point and finally create video that gives solutions to their problems.
This audience-first approach inadvertently positions you as a brand that can help.
Not mixing it up
Relying on a single video no longer cuts it.
To engage with customers at as many of the touch points they have with your business as possible, means a suite of video content with different purposes, messages and on different platforms.
You’ll need video for your website, on you tube, for social and to embed within emails.
Videos that inspire, videos that train, videos that help and videos that sell. Video for your marketing funnel to drive leads into profitable customers and clients.
Be consistent by committing to regular video production. Some videos will be evergreen some will be topical, but find a realistic schedule that works for your business and mix it up across different platforms.
Discover ideas on how to re-purpose your content across many videos.
Identify your audience, be consistent and identify the business purpose and you’re ready to tackle the fun part – the creative.
Good luck!